About Me

- Grey
- Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
- I am someone who dun like to describe mysef. I believe ppl change. So its up to my friends to know who I am & wat I am, coz human is ever changing. Good or Bad, we will cherish friendship. But as for now, if u get to know me, I'm like a chatter box..!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
For me its every single thing you do around me! Thanks for being the silver lining behind my darkest cloud, you made me smile when my mood is down, surprise me all the while & accompany me every now.
Small little things that you do made me laugh, like the single alphabet F that made me laugh.
While I know a bus ride can make you smile, you are what that made me smile! Home is where you relax for the rest of the day but thinking of you is what that completes my day!
Thanks for coming into my life!
Monday, October 19, 2009

As I was walking towards the entrance & I bump into
this very rude & irresponsible China-man. He was walking towards me & was chatting loudly to his friend.
Looking to my left I realize there isn't any morwalking space hence I slowed down in order to avod bumping shoulders to shoulders with the China-man. But with his inconsiderate actions he swung his arms wide & there was a loud "THUD" & "CRACK" immediately looking at my precious A.Lange & Sohne, "TOO LATE" on the top is the aftermath..
I tried asking the China-man to pay up but he said "how do you know its my arm dat hit you & not your arm dat hit me?" If I were 10 years younger & my temper much worse back then I did beat the shit outta him man...!!!
Friday, October 16, 2009

The herbal looking soup below is the only stuff I have regretted tasting up to date. It is snake soup & not dat it is foul smelling but we chineses believe in the 12 animal horoscopes & juz happened dat my mum was born in the year of the snake.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Actually in terms of shopping I find that the cost is not much of a difference compared to Singapore but of course i would say that 'KUDOS' to the street fashion. They have very well designed street wear and you are spoilt with choices when it comes to sneakers.

Basically Taipei wasn't much of a nice experience for me so hopefully going with "i1" might give a different story...! =p So please pardon me for not being able to give u a detailed story..


Remember the time when our grandfather was roaming the streets when Japan drop bombs all over Asia? It was a time that Japanese soldiers left chaos running around the streets, all the atrocities they committed & the tortures they executed was inhumane. If you have no single clue of what they did, well they rape women from my countries, dropped bomb in my land & worst were the torture they had came up with. Some examples were pulling out our finger nails from our flesh, forcing & feeding us with water & till we can’t drink anymore they stepped on our stomach forcing the water out again. There are more that we today wish not to speak about it. Now, today, feeling ashamed they decided they wanna leave all these out of their history books & covering this act from the current generation.

I do hope that the guy whom commented the sentence does speak for the rest of Japan it will be shameful if it was.



Travelling up to Jaipur was indeed something I was looking forward to as it was my success that I am are able to meet her. In fact the trip to Jaipur is to do a presentation in M.G.D Girls’ School & the school is a private school owned by the Queen.
The traditional welcome ceremony done by the Queen herself, which makes us feel like VIP & provides us with such wonderful hospitality.
Major press holdings of India flocked downto M.G.D Girls’ School to interviewed us. Giving us the publicity that we need in Jaipur, all of our pictures were in the major newspapers all around the northern province.

The only thing dat irks me at times is when I would have to be the tour guide for the friends that follow me back to the country in my heart. YES….if you guess it right yea..my genes is partly from Thailand. The donation of sperm is S’pore made while the egg is of Thai. Lol… & I have most of bangkok under my finger tips. Well…most of it. From where to shop, where to eat & where to club. The trip to Bangkok for most Singaporean is rather rountined. ChatuChak weekend market, MBK Centre, Pratunam, etc. For me, its more on catching up with my friends or sleeping. I feel so much at home & peaceful.
This time round in March, I’m bringing a group five back to Bangkok. One of them is a 13 year old very very out of hand girl whom she herself is a Thai..! Yes a Thai who doesn’t know how to speak Thai, hate Thailand & thinks dat Thailand is a disgrace to her. To a certain extend I pity her at times & I loathe her at times. She’s juz sigh….how do I say? Going through a tough teenage life like me before? But better off in certain ways. She was actually brought up & raise in Singapore so dats why she kant really be bothered to learn the Thai language.
I really kant imagine wat will happen between she & I when we head to Bangkok together. Argh…..kill me..! Dun worry I’m sure not to miss out all the details in this blog when I’m back.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Singapore is a very safe country indeed. I must say “Kudos” to the system of law.
But you see, these days Singaporeans can get from bad to worse & finally WORST. I did wanna blog about this but it had always slip my mind. Is it a culture that we cannot change? Is it in our blood? Yep, you guessed it alrite. The god damn attitude of Singaporeans. If Singaporeans can’t even follow simple rules, how can they even be a good parent? We are what we eat, & our child is what we taught them out to be.
When you are rushing for the Mrt, you will find people standing by the right side of the escalator blocking your way. Singaporeans can read English but choose to ignore the sign “please stand right.” Now when you finally reach the door of the train, you find a bunch of monkeys standing by the doors instead of moving in. I must say monkeys are so much cleverer than Singaporeans. One day I am gonna snap a very clear picture and post the picture of all these acts on my blog & shame the hell of that unlucky person. I mean why are all these happening? Is it very hard to follow such simple orders? Can anyone please explain to me the very meaning such things are happening. It goes the same even for SBS bus service. You get another bunch of monkeys not moving to the rear of the bus. I mean why? The Jamal Brothers dropped them a sms saying “please aviod standing at the rear of the bus, the bomb will go off there.”
There is so much more acts that I am ashame of. I work in a place where you can find people from different countries hence I am able to learn different cultures. Some times people around you just take you for granted or take advantage of you when you are kind. Try being polite like keeping the door open after you for the next person & guess what? They take their own sweet time walking out of the door without even holding the door. How rude right?
The worst thing a Singaporean can do is to judge you. Yes, the mouth of Singaporean can judge you from head to toe and back up from toe to head. Now what rights do we have to judge? The only time I will be judged is when I meet my heavenly father. I personally have this horrendous experience of being judge inside out & it feels horrendous. To a Singaporean, you smoke you are a bad guy, you have tattoo you are a bad guy, you have piercing you are a bad guy. Don’t you just get sick of all these? I wonder how would a Singapore parent behave or teach their kids if they were to bring up their kids in Amsterdam..!! Where by almost everything dat is illegal in Singapore is legal in Amsterdam.
I really hope this blog is able to reach out to all the millions of Singaporeans. Singapore started out as a small fishing village, & it became what we have now & if we don’t start acting and changing our selfish act now. No matter how great Singapore can get, how fast we can move forward, we are just a bunch of monkeys with peanut brains living in a small island.
Make a differHere in Singapore a parent can afford to say ”you cannot do this, the police will catch you” but in Amsterdam how would you as a parent behave? Singapore parents would not even survive one day there. Remember our parents always say “you must study hard if not next time die ah” “daddy study very hard last time that is why now daddy make lots of money” So what happen if one fine day your kid ask you ”daddy David Beckham is not a smart person and he didn’t have good grades in school & how come he is earning hundred times more than you?” How would you answer that?
Make a difference today don’t act like a monkey, monkey see monkey do..! Don’t just think that the person infront of you is standing on the right side of the escalator gives you the right to do so. “He stand, I stand lor” that’s the thinking of Singaporean. But remember, every little changes start from YOU..!

What do motorists loathe the most, people need the most when they are late & get none in town from 2230hrs – 0000hrs?

From 2330hrs – 0000hrs you will not be able to flag down a taxi even if has no passenger on board. They will totally ignore you when you flag them down or put up a sign saying they are “on call” meaning they are picking up someone whom had done a booking through the phone. In order to earn that extra money they will park in some dark alleys or driving around town aimlessly in town waiting for the clock to tick pass 0000hrs.
It is an act that can make your blood boil or trigger a heart attack! This has been going on for years & yet the taxi companies seem not correcting this culture. There should be some organization made specially penalize these kind of taxi drivers. These are just something I don’t understand which is hearing time over time that drivers are complaining not having enough business!
Seriously I wouldn’t pity them if they met with an accident. I’m not being cruel or heartless but these inconsiderate taxi drivers are making our life miserable. So think twice the next time you compliment them.
When it comes to being a motorist you would wanna bash the daylight off the taxi drivers. They drive recklessly, switch lanes without checking their blind spot causing much accident to motorist!
But of course they one in a thousand taxi drivers have good souls & a gracious heart. Till the day comes for them to change for the better I can only pray to god to forgive them.
Now for your Sunday, it will be great if you are taking a night flight back to Singapore. Coz only so you will be able to enjoy your Sunday in BKK. For the start in the morning take a train ride (BTR is wat they call it in Thai) to Saphan Taksin from there take a ferry all the way to Wat Po ferry stop. At Wat Po they have the famous Sleeping Buddha take a tour in the temple itself. After all the walking & carrying heavy shopping bags enjoy the traditional massage in the temple. All the licensed traditional massage parlor in Bangkok trains & get their certificate at Wat Po.
For your convenience here’s the Bangkok skytrain map http://www.guidetothailand.com/maps-thailand/bangkok-skytrain.htm
Wat Po Temple http://www.webshots.com/search?query=Wat+Po
After Wat Po if you do have time still, visit the Bangkok river cruise start the river cruise from the Sathorn Pier.
Bangkok is changing fast, but if you still want a close up of traditional Thai life, explore some of Bangkok’s waterways. The network of canals (klongs) branching out from the main Chao Phraya river still follows an old lifestyle that leaves the modern face of Bangkok behind.
Small interconnecting canals sustain a traditional lifestyle where mobile shops, “floating kitchens” and water taxi services ensure a local pace. While it is not difficult to hire a boat by yourself, a guided tour provides an insight into the lifestyle, rather than just a plain sightseeing trip. Choose a klong tour which stops at some of Bangkok’s other places of interest, like the Royal Barges Museum and Wat Arun, or why not combine with a rice barge cruise along the Chao Phraya river. An excellent way to get to know a special part of Bangkok.
Canal Cruise http://www.bangkok.com/tours-river-cruises/index.html#canal-tours
After enjoying a day of sight seeing, I guess its time to head back to your hotel & start getting ready to fly back to Singapore. Enjoy your trip…cheers
Now if you are thinking of visiting BKK for the weekend, I would recommend dat you take the nite flight from Singapore to Bangkok on a Friday. Coz dat will give you more time on the Sat in Bangkok.
*never to shop real hard before heading to Chatuchak Weekend Market.*
- Hotel : http://www.samran.com/
For a budget stay which is nearest to the city & most convenient try Sam Ran Place the price is reasonable even during peak period at SIN$60 for a nite & SIN$50 a nite with breakfast included.
Now for the places you should visit on the Friday nite u touch down.
- Patpong Night Market http://bangkok2night.com/pictures/patpong.shtml
Patpong Night Market is like a Singapore Pasar Malam. Its a good experience to walk through the crowd, there main market is in between the Go Go Bars where all the gals will be dancing on the platform. But the attention we should give is the experience in the Pasar Malam. You can find looks of fake goods there but remember juz stroll through & dun buy anything unless you are pretty tempted. Coz Patpong is a place where they hack of a piece from tourist. Things there are very expensive. Oh but on the left of the main market there’s this air-conditioned shop by the name of Narayan, they sell very pretty nice lady’s handbag at reasonable price. After the main market, walk out to the main street. For about one kilometer there’s one whole street of push carts selling tee shirt, home deco, etc. Things there are quite expensive still but lower than the main market. If you are kool enough, try the road side food there. Food there is pretty yummy. But juz dun look at how they wash their plates..! After all dat walking, head back to your hotel coz you will need all the energy for tomorrow.
- Chatucahk Weekend Market http://www.asiatraveltips.com/PicturesofChatuchakMarket.shtml
Try your best to wake up at 8am in the morning have your breakfast at your hotel & head to Chatuchak Weekend Market. You can spend a serious day of shopping alone there..! Prices are reasonable & the most you will need to spend on one tee shirt is about Baht$150 – Baht$180. There’s so much to buy there, like tee shirts, sunglasses, home deco, aroma therapy stuff & even PETS…! Yes..dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, etc. Oh for your convenience, try to get a map of the place. trust me its HUGE..! Try to do your shopping by 3pm coz there’s more places to head to. (Actually after Chatuchak, there isn’t much to buy else where. Coz Chatuchak aka JJ Market is a wholesales place) So you can get lots of stuff there. So remember, for a good bargain leave all the shopping at Chatucahk. Oh gotta warn you gals first Chatuchak is very hot & humid so standby more tissue.
- Siam Ocean World http://www.bangkok.com/siam-ocean-world/index.html
Head for Siam Ocean World. Its so much more to see compared to the Underwater World in Sentosa. Entry fee is at about Baht$1200 if I’m not wrong. Its really a nice place with air-conditioning & you will enjoy the air-conditioning after Chatuchak..! Lunch eat light as there’s yummy food to try in the evening. After enjoying the air-conditioned Ocean World & before heading for a place for dinner, head to MBK Shopping Centre. Its one of the largest shopping mall in Bangkok. Its about 7 storeys if I’m not wrong. I believe after a whole morning & afternoon in Chatuchak there wouldn’t be much to buy there. If you would make any purchase there it would be most probably of the design on the shirts or tee shirts.
China Town http://skaarpictures.com/images15/
MBK Shopping Mall http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-2768534-ma_boon_krong_mbk_shopping_center_bangkok-i
There’s lots of seafood at reasonable price in China Town & dats where you can have your dinner & take a stroll. there isn’t much to buy there unless you wanna get some gold rings, necklace, etc. As for my recommendation, take a cab to Ratchada tell the cab driver to bring you to Seafood Restaurant at Ratchada. Seafood there are more yummy & cheaper. Oh & next to the restaurant you can find a few clubs to party. The locals dun really go for beer or Vodka there. You can try getting a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label. A big bottle will cost you around Baht$1300 – Baht$1500.
- Khao San Road http://www.bangkokpicture.com/pictures/khaosanroad05.php
After dinner, take yourself down to Khao San Road. Over at Khao San you may find numerous backpackers inn & the most interesting thing is you will be able to see a mixture of people from different countries chilling out there. On both side of the road there’s plenty of road side store selling sport wears brand from Addidas to Nike, etc. if you are in to doing some corn rolls or dreadlocks there’s services provided by the road stores. The thing about Khao San is to actually enjoy the sort of culture with all nationality of tourist. the place isn’t huge but about 800m of shopping. there’s pubs on both sides of the street so if you wanna chill out why not try out the pubs with a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label..! Seriously I would never recommend Suan Lum Night Bazaar coz stuff there are too expensive. Even for the locals they would find shopping there too expensive. But if you wanna check it out by all means head there.
- Suam Lum Night Bazzar http://www.bangkok.com/shopping-market/suan-lum-night-bazaar.html
- http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/Tinn81/Bangkok20062007 Juz some pictures on my previous trips.
If you do have the plan to visit Thailand but would like to pick & mix your own places to visit in Thailand/Bangkok, here are some places dat might interest you. I can name some places & from here you can pick the places dat will be most suitable for you.
Shopping in Bangkok;
Siam Paragon (*branded goods) http://www.siamparagon.co.th/index2.html
Pratunam Market http://www.bangkokpicture.com/pictures/pratunam05.php
Khao San Night Market http://www.bangkok.com/khao-san-road/index.html
Patpong Night Market http://www.ibiza-bangkok.com/bkk_c/patpong/index_e.htm
Suan Lam Night Bazzar http://www.bangkokpicture.com/pictures/suanlumnightbazaar05.php
Chatuchak Weekend Market (*must go)
MBK Shopping Centre http://photos.igougo.com/pictures-b47660-Bangkok-Ma_Boon_Krong_(MBK)_Shopping_Center_photos.html
Narayana Handicraft http://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/thailand/bangkok/shopping/1000194893?list=true (*they have one branch in Patpong)
Siam Square http://www.bangkokpicture.com/pictures/siamsquare06.php
Sight seeing in Bangkok
Four Face Buddha Shrine http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3F_adv_prop%3Dimage%26fr%3Dyfp-t-331%26va%3Dpratunam%2Bbangkok%26sz%3Dall&w=375&h=500&imgurl=static.flickr.com%2F123%2F346645179_d8d04e59f0_m.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fnekobus%2F346645179%2F&size=147.3kB&name=346645179_d8d04e59f0.jpg&p=pratunam+bangkok&type=jpeg&no=9&tt=4,214&oid=1e2b65b52586985a&fusr=Nekobus&tit=Shrine+in+front+of+Pratunam+Center&hurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fnekobus%2F&ei=ISO-8859-1&src=p
(*please note if you ever pray & ask for something at this four face buddha’s shrine, you will have to head back & repay if your wish is granted or else bad luck will befall on you)
Wat Po http://www.molon.de/galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatPo/
Wat Arun http://www.planetware.com/picture/bangkok-wat-arun-tha-tha100.htm
Canal Cruise http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-331&va=canal+cruise+bangkok&sz=all
Ayuthaya http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-331&va=ayuthaya+bangkok&sz=all
(*original capital of Thailand, located outskirt of Bangkok. Have to wake up early & arrange by your hotel)
Siam Ocean World http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-331&va=siam+ocean+world+bangkok&sz=all
Floating Market http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-331&va=floating+market+bangkok&sz=all
(*Please note have to wake up early at 5am & book with your hotel one day in advance. Original Floating Market in outshirt of Bangkok)
Vertigo http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-331&va=vertigo+bangkok&sz=all
(*lovely night view of bangkok at the highest point. Cover charge at SIN$60)
Chinatown http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-331&va=chinatown+bangkok&sz=all
Emerald Buddha http://www.thaiwaysmagazine.com/thai_article/2210_phra_%20kaeo_%20morakot/phra_kaeo_morakot.html
Crocodile Show http://www.thaiwaysmagazine.com/bangkok_ad/entertainment_samutprakarn/samutprakarn_crocodile_farm.html (*Please note to switch off camera’s flash lights when taking pictures. Failure to do so might result injuries or death to performer as flash light will cause crocodiles to panic!)
Recommended clean & convenient budget hotel with reasonable price ;
Stable Lodge Hotel http://www.fargotravel.com/hotels/628_Stable_Lodge.html
Sam Ran Place http://www.samran.com/ (*BEST)
Hope the information is able to meet up to your demands… =)
With the IR coming in view, Lucas film here, first ever grand Prix in Singapore is for sure gonna bring up our economy. The launch of renaissancecity by the Singapore government is a great move to entice foreigners into Singapore. Singapore is well thought of a clean & safe country. But me coming from a background that my mum is a Thai & my dad a Singaporean I am proud to say that my roots don’t trace back as a 100% Singaporean.
Why do I say so? I am ashamed to be called a Singaporean! I mean what the F?? Look at Singaporeans in our public bus service, they don’t bother to move to the rear of the bus when they board the bus. people are squeezing in the front & people at the mid of the bus can give you that kinda “what? Is something wrong?” I mean hello, people are running out of space & you have the chhek to just enjoy your music from your Ipod & don’t bother to move back to the rear. These Singaporeans are totally inconsiderate. If any one of you Singaporeans are reading this, think & do turn & see what I am trying to say when you are in the bus. But if you’re one that don’t bother to move back to the rear as well, wait till you are trying to get to work in the morning trying to board the bus & HAHA you are stuck & couldn’t board the bus just because some inconsiderate people don’t wanna move their feets!

But fans out there, don’t be too upset as he will remain as executive producer throughout this season. Or maybe appear as a guest appearance throughout the end of this season till they shut it off. But it seems its not the end of CSI as Mendelsohn promised new blood to the series.
By the way anyone know of any anger management classes in Singapore?

If you’re wondering if its hard to make or is it yummy? Try it for yourself. Its easy to make no spills or oily tables.
-1 piece chicken thigh meat, Rosemary, McCormick Italian Herb, Ground Marjoram, Garlic Powder, Lime & Ground Cayenne Pepper.
Grease the baking tray with butter & spread a handful of Italian Herbs, Rosemary, Ground Marjoram, Garlic Powder & Cayenne Pepper on the tray.
Next place the chicken thigh meat of the tray, spread the same ingredients on top of the chicken meat & squeeze 3 limes on top of the meat.
Preheat the oven to 200 degree & bake the chicken meat for 20mins. Serve with baked beans or boiled vegetables. You may garnish if you prefer everything to look grand.
Creamy Pasta
4 handful of Penne (serve 3), 3 slices of Kraft cheese, 1/4 butter, Italian Herbs, Ground Cayenne Pepper, Ground Marjoram, Mayonnaise, Mustard & 1 tea spoon salt.
Bring 4 cups of water to boil, add in 1 tbsp of oil to prevent Penne from sticking together, place in the Penne and cook for 2omis till penne soften. Remove Penne from water & place in a bowl.
Place Penne onto tray and add 4 table spoon mayonnaise & 1 table spoon mustard. Add 3 table spoons of Italian herbs, 3 tea spoons of Ground Cayenne Powdeer, 3 tea spoons of Ground Marjoram & 1 tea spoon of salt to penne. Mix everything well.
Ready to serve….Bon Appetite! =) Hope its up to your standard. Cheers…!

The time the burger get to your tray is getting slower..! At times we have to wait for like 15 minutes for a burger or our pack of fries. To make things worse McDonalds is hiring old granny to do the job. Can they move fast? Can they serve fast? I dun mean it in any way to sound like I am some nasty guy. But it defeats the purpose of having a fast food restaurant when most of the crew working in there are old granny who moves slower than the turtle. & yes the government is encouraging old grannies to go back to the work force but in fast food restaurant?
I really hope that McDonalds can spare a thought for the public who wants fast food. McDonald’s in Singapore have to understand what fast food is all about. They need to be educated on such issue. Or maybe McDonalds in the States, the main headquarter can set a simple rule to follow if you want to set up a branch in Singapore. Which is to live up to the name “FAST FOOD”
Next are the Managers. They need to be fully train to be able to handle situation when a crowd suddenly floods in. Ever been to McDonalds & having two long queues while the other 3 counters are closed? I mean, hello..what is happening? What are the managers doing? Sigh…its real disappointing. Isn’t it right? Guys…come on agree with me. You walk into a fast food restaurant, want to get a quick bite & then get the hell out of there. But then the old granny there take her own sweet time, while the queue is getting longer and you start to get frustrated because the manager is standing there smiling at you while the rest of the 2-3 counters are closed. How great is dat?
I’m not picking on McDonalds but I must say they provide good food & dat is why the crowd is there. Which means they must start training out people who are suitable for the job. There is so much more dat we as a consumer can name with the disappointment we get from McDonalds. I haven’t even started with the lobby service..!Really hope to see much improvement from the leader of fast food. Dun we guys?

Cooking was & will always be my passion. The passion to bring good food onto the table, seeing my guest enjoying the food & dropping comments on how good the food is. The feeling is fabulous when they thank you for such a warm, loving & delicious meal. Its a very satisfiying & pleasing feeling you get.
I have actually started cooking all sort of stuff I can get on hand since 9 years old..! REALLY..! I SWEAR..! But at dat time its only for one of my cousin. I remember quite some time ago dat I was introduce to Milo Dinosaur in a local prata stall. I good quite upset to know dat they claim they were the ones who started this gimmick. Coz when I was around 9 years old, I have already been doing dat..! I have done it and offered it as a drink to my cousin Iris. But well…wat to do I didn’t know it would be a yummy drink now..! If not I would have bought my copy right..! Lol…
Back to the main story, woke up on a lazy afternoon & was fighting over to watch Jumper or P.S I Love You. Guys will always be guys & guess you people would have known my choice. Till now 1556hrs I’m still undecided..lol. The only thing that hit my mind was to cook up a great meal. At first I was deciding on Chicken Pie but at the same time I wanna have Chicken Chop. But I did prefer Pork. So…Chicken or Pork? Yes..yes in the end its Chicken.
Took my wallet & head for Shop & Save but didn’t have wat I want there. So walk a bit further & head to NTUC but then again I decided dat the market should have better & bigger chicken parts. Got wat I need & head home to start cooking but before dat I did a bit of household chores like laundry & changing of my bedsheet.


Have it ever occur to you dat you wanna wear a white top out forthe day? But failed to do so when you think you gonna have a meal dat might stain your top? Well….dat juz happen to me..! How cruel the juice from the shrimp can be…! Its a killer shrimp dat is taking its revenge for eating it. Frankly speaking it can really turn me off & ruin my day..! It affects me! So maybe you people out there wanna take note. Think of wat you might eat for dat day. Some might say “siao” how I know wat I wanna eat for the day when I have not even step out of my houss or some might say “Wu Liao”
Trust me..!Its worth making up your mind first. Put yourself in the scenario when you gonna meet your client or with a gal you juz dated. How annoying trying to hide the smudge all day long. =(
So remember, prevention is better than cure..lol

Chickenpox is a disease of childhood – 90% of cases occur in children aged 14 years and younger. Before widespread vaccination, the incidence of chicken pox in the United States approached the annual birth rate, averaging between 3.1 and 3.8 million cases per year. Chicken pox can occur at any time, but occurs most often in March, April, and May in temperate climates.
But then I wanna proof this myth incorrect..! YES its true there are chances of not getting Chicken Pox..! Chicken pox is acquired by direct contact with infected blister fluid or by inhalation of respiratory droplets. When a person with chicken pox coughs or sneezes, they expel tiny droplets that carry the varicella virus. A person who has never been exposed to chicken pox inhales these droplets and the virus enters the lungs, and then is carried through the bloodstream to the skin where it causes a rash. While the virus is in the bloodstream (before the rash begins)
So chill, no worries on
Hello. Well I’m new to this blog thingy. Some how & some wat, my friend had influenced me to write my first blog.
I wouldn’t say dat my childhood was a total bad one. There’s ups & there’s down juz gotta learn to cope with it. I was a real happy kid until 8yrs old. I lost my beloved mum to cancer & I have to see her suffer everyday. It hurts me every time I think back on it. Losing a mum isn’t such a nice thing. I feel lack of maternal love & even till today I feel the same.
Growing up was tough due to my dad’s “BUSY” schedule, I was brought up by my aunt instead of my dad. But at the age of 13, there was a decision made. I was to move back to my dad’s place & dat was where the real atrocity I have to go through.
I dun understand why in the world my dad will be so crude to me in life. At the age of 13yrs old, I would have to work part time all the way till I am ready to work in the corporate world. My dad doesn’t give me any allownace at all but if he is in a good mood, well there would be $2 for the whole day. At times when I do not have enough I would have to keep my chin up, bite down my teeth & endure the whole day without food. I remembered there was once I was so hungry I ate half a pack of cream crackers. (aka Soh Ta Bia) When my dad return from work & found out I have eaten his cream crackers, I got a hell of scolding from him. Things really didn’t work out for him & I. Totally no communication with him at all. We would fight over the smallest issues & it can be real tiring. Well…simply said, my life under his care was horrendous. There’s so much more atrocity under his care & it will take more then a few pages to finish this blog & it will definitely bored you guys out..! So I did better skip..! Lol…