Yes. You're rite lets face it I'm one lazy ass blogger! My apologies for being a year late!~LOL~
Recently Channel News Asia reported on the 65th anniversary of the first atomic bomb attack. As mentioned in my previous blog about the atrocities done by the Jap Nips...
I was in Nanjing weeks ago and decided to pay homage to the souls from the Nanjing Massacre. It is a hair raising experience & trust me its "hair raising" for sure. The hairs on the back of my neck and my arms were standing still as if some magnetic field had been keeping them up.
Its is worth visiting as it allow us to have self reflection on our pass actions or should I say the "Nips' pass action" As I pass by the Mass Grave it was the worse sight I have ever seen so far. It made me think what drove the Nips to do all of these? There were even evidence of them driving in 6 inches nails into the skull of civilian such more!
I shall do less talking & let then pictures tell you the story!
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